Thursday, October 18, 2018

How I Painted the Aethervoid Pendulum .

Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!

Here is a guide on how I painted the Aethervoid Pendulum from the Malign Sorcery boxed set.

Step 1

I started with priming the model black and then applied several coats of Blackfire Earth with the texture tool.

After the Blackfire Earth dried I used a fair amount of Agrax Earthshade to tone it down. After I applied Tau Orche Light with a drybrush, then followed by a lighter drybrush of Zamesi Desert.

Step 2.

I used Screaming Bell for the Pendulum blade itself, Two coats should be enough. Three coats of Brass Scorpion was applied, followed by a wash of Nuln Oil. Two coats of Brass Scorpion was applied afterwards while being careful of leaving the recesses, finally a highlight of Fulgurite Copper was applied.

Step 3.

For the handle I used two coats of LeadBelcher, two coats of Ironbreaker was added afterwards and then a wash of Nuln Oil was applied while being careful of not getting any on the blade itself.
After the ink had dried I applied two more coats of Ironbreaker and then highlighting with Runefang Steel.

Step 4.

For the upper part of the handle I applied two coats of Balthasar Gold and washed over it with Agrax Earthshade. I used Gehenna's Gold as a highlight and a little Runelord Brass as a final highlight, you can skip this last colour though.

I used Stormhost Silver on the runes of the blade, used Ironbreaker and Brass Scorpion on the rivets to make them stick out a bit more.

Step 5.

While painting the flame itself I put some nitrile gloves so I will not be rubbing the paint off, friction, sweat and models do not go well together.

I started with three coats of Celestra Grey for the flame, followed with three coats of Ulthan Grey.

Painting the Bloodletter Glaze takes some time, I started with applying a single coat on one side while holding the model and leaving it in a horizontal position while it dried, then repeated on the other side. I think I used around four coats on either side.

After the Bloodletter was applied I used Evil Sunz Scarlet as a highlight and Troll Slayer Orange as a extreme highlight, I ended up drying brushing it on rather than using the brush I originally intended to use.

Step 6.

I took some skulls from the Citadel Skull box and used super glue to attach them to the base.

I applied two coats of Zandri Dust on the skulls, followed with three coats of Ushabti Bone and then a careful wash of Agrax Earthshade. When the ink was dry I re-applied Ushabti Bone while being careful around the recesses and a highlight of Screaming Skull was applied to bring the raised area out.

Step 7.

As an after thought I used Carroburg Crimson to darken the recesses of the "flame" to give it more depth.

I went two rounds of Blood for the Blood God on the base to make some pools of blood to compliment the flame.

Here are pictures of the finished model.

Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.

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