Here is a guide how I painted the Prismatic Palisade.
First thing to mention is that you might not want to glue the two pieces together to make it easier to paint.
Step 1.
I started with painting the base with two coats of Dryad Bark, two more coats of Tallarn Sand. I applied a generous wash of Agrax Earthshade, then drybrushed with Tallarn Sand, then a light drybrush of Zamesi Desert.
Step 2.
I started with applying 2-3 shades of Celestra Grey.
I wanted to have the crystals blue and thus I picked Guilliman Blue. I had to apply about 5 or 6 coats of this and I also mixed it with Lahmian Medium (50/50) to get a smoother finish.
I painted half of the crystals at a time and placed it on the pallet to let it dry and so the glaze would not pool at the bottom.
There are two ways to apply the highlight, you can either paint it by hand with fine tipped brush or just drying brushing it.
With both choices, start with Fenrisan Grey and then Ulhuan Grey. If you opted for drybrushing, be very careful and make use there is very little paint in the brush. You can test it on your thumb to see how much paint is being applied, if you are getting too much, you can just remove some in your paper towel.
Step 3.
I want to make the stones around the base grey, so I started with 2 coats of Mechanicus Standard Grey with a fine tipped brush, followed with 2 thin coats of Dawnstone and then a careful highlight of Administratum Grey. I carefully applied Agrax Earthshade in the recesses and cracks of the stones with a fine tipped brush.
Step 4.
I picked out some skulls, attached them to a lid with blue tack and coated them black.
I started with two coats of Zandri Dust, two thin coats of Ushabti Bone followed with a wash of Agrax Earthshade. When the shade was dry I applied another two thin coats Ushabti Bone and finally a highlight of Screaming Skull.
Here are pictures of the finished model.
Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.
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