Friday, September 28, 2018

How I Painted the Umbral Spellportal.

Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!

Here is a guide how I painted the Umbral Spellportal from the Malign Sorcery.

Step 1.

I started with priming the model white as I used quite a bit of yellow for it.

I applied Armageddon Dust to the base, painting it black as to darken it, then applying 2 coats of Naggaroth Night,  followed by a highlight of Xereus Purple and finally a very light highlight of Genestealer Purple.

Step 2.

For the mirror itself I went for 2 coats of Naggaroth Night and followed with 3 coats of Xereus Purple.

For the ripples in the mirror I went for another purple for contrast.

I carefully painted Screamer Pink on the raised area, followed by Pink Horror little higher area of the ripples while leaving a little Screamer Pink showing below.

I very carefully applied a little Emperor's Children with a brush with a very fine tip on the most raised area of the ripples.

Step 3.

For the gold frame of the mirror I applied 2 coats of Retributor Gold, followed with 2 coats of Liberator Gold, then a careful wash of Reikland Fleshshade (Gloss variant), then reapplied Liberator Gold carefully in the raised areas. A final highlight of Auric Armour Gold was applied to the raised area, I focused this on the top of the frame as light would be shining on that part.

Step 4.

There are some nobs on the mirror that I painted with Stormhost Silver and coated over it with Soulstone Blue.

Step 5.

For the smoke coming from the mirror I went for yellow.

I started with 2 coats of Celestra Grey mixed with Lahmian Medium (50/50), followed with 3 coats of Ulthuan Grey mixed with Lahmian Medium (50/50). Then I applied several coats of Lamenter's Yellow, finally it was highlighted with Yriel Yellow and then a little highlight with Flash Gitz Yellow on the most raised areas.

Step 6.

I decided for some skulls from the Citadel Skulls box.

I started with priming them black and painted two coats of Zandri Dust, followed with 3 coats of Ushabti Bone. I used Argax Earthshade to darken the skulls, used 2 coats of Ushabti Bone again to bring the colour again, while leaving the recesses darker, a final highlight of Screaming Skull was applied on the raised areas.

There is a picture of the finished model.  I put some dark flock on the models to contrast with all the bright colours.

Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.

Friday, September 21, 2018

How I Painted the Malevolent Maelstrom.

Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!

Here is a guide how I painted the Malevolent Maelstrom from the Malign Sorcery.

Step 1.

I started with priming the model black, it could be primed white as well.

I covered the base with Astrogranite, followed with 2 coats of Mechanicus Grey, then applied 3 coats of Celestra Grey as an undercoat for the Astrograntie.

I applied a coat of Nighthaunt Gloom mixed with some Lahmian Medium for some uncanny effect. Finally it was drybrushed with Skink Blue, I would recommend using a very highlight rather than a heavy one.

Step 2.

For the orb itself, I started with 2 coats of Deamonette Hide, followed with 2 more coats of Warpfiend Grey, followed by a wash of Druichii Voilet, afterwards I carefully applied Warpfiend Grey on the raised areas. Slannesh Grey was applied as an extreme highlight on the most raised areas.

Step 3.

The faces are painted with 2 coats of Screamer Pink, a highlight of Pink Horror was applied while leaving the Screamer Pink in the recesses, a final highlight of Emperor's Children was finally applied to the most raised areas. Finally Druichii Violet was used a recess shade to create some depth.

Step 4.

For the "flames" I used Celestra Grey and with some hindsight I should have applied Ulthuan Grey before applying 3 coats of Lamenter's Yellow. I used Yriel Yellow for a highlight and Flash Gitz Yellow for the extreme highlight. You can use Seraphim Sepia for create some shade in the recesses as well.

Step 5.

I applied Zandri Dust as a base colour for the skulls followed by Ushabti Bone, then a careful wash of Agrax Earthshade, then a careful highlight of Ushabti Bone and finally Screaming Skull for the most raised areas.

I used Arid Static Grass to add some stuff for the model and compliment the skulls.

Here are pictures of the finished model.

Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.