Step 1.
I started with drawing the base and model on a piece of paper to get some idea on what I want to do.
I started by using PVA glue to attach the model to the base and covered it with Liquid Green Stuff.
When the green stuff has dryed, I applied Lustrian Undergrowth and then highlighted with Warpstone Glow, followed with light highlight of Moot Green. The sides of the base where painted with Caliban Green.
Step 2.
I started with the axe head by applying a coat of Leadbelcher, followed by 2 coats of Ironbreaker and a wash of Nuln Oil. When the Nuln Oil had dryed, I went over the raised areas with Ironbreaker and a fine highlight of Runefang Steel. There is also a metal piece on the end of the axe handle that was painted in the same way as the axe head.
Step 3.
There are 4 Khorne symbols on the axe head, two on either side. I started with a coat of Screaming Bell with a fine tiped brush that I used for this step. Two coats Brass Scorpion where applied and then several coats of Skullcrusher Brass, do remember to give this colour a very good shake as it tends to separate very easily.
Step 4.
I painted the tassel at the end of the handle with Averland Sunset, washed it with Seraphim Sepia and then carefully applied Averland Sunset over the raised areas. You can paint this any way you choose.
I'll recommend making a drawing of the axe (it can be crude, but still work) and paint that so you will get some idea on how the colours will go together, it will save you the trouble of painting over the tassel if you are unhappy with it.
Step 5.
I worked on the hilt and shaft next. The leather was coated with Rhinox Hide, two coats of Doombull Brown, a sparse wash of Agrax Earthshade, then a careful coats of Rhinox Hide and a little edge highlight of Balor Brown.
The wooden hilt was coated with Dryad Bark, a coat of Gothor Brown then a highlight of Baneblade Brown on the side the model is facing. You can, if you choose to apply a wash of Agrax Earthsade if you wish.
Step 6.
Next is the head itself, the star of the show.
I gave it 3 coats of Mechanicus Standard Gray, followed by 2-3 coats of Dawnstone and then a light drybrust of Administratum Gray on the edges and raised areas, like the nose and cheek bones.
To give it a bit of weathered appearance I mixes Agrax Earthshade with some Lahmian Medium (50/50 mix) and with a fine tipped brush applied two coats while being very careful not to get it any where out side of the cracks.
For the eyes I very, very carefully applied two thin coats of Ceremite White and then 3 coats of Screaming Skull mixed with a little Lahmian Medium to give it a more marble look.
Step 7.
After applying varnish to the model I picked Swamp and Summer Undergrowth from The Army Painter, to have some moss there I used Meadow Blend Flock from Gale Force 9.
Below are pictures of the finished model.
Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.
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