Friday, August 31, 2018

How I Painted the Trove of Arcane Glory.

Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!

Here is a guide how I painted the Trove of Arcane glory from the Shattered Dominion Boxed Set.

Step 1.

After putting the model together I made a MDF base and added some plasticard on top of it to have a floor to work with.
The Trove on its new base.
A drill, drill bits and rivets from Zinge Industries 
Adding all the rivets will take some time, I used a pencil and a ruler to get them in more or less straight lines, there probability better way to do it out there somewhere.
All rivets have been added. 
 Step 2.

I started painting the floor with 2 coats Leadbelcher, followed with 2-3 coats Ironbreaker and a wash of Nuln Oil.
When the Nuln Oil has dried I reapplied Ironbreaker and applied a dry brush of Runefang Steel then picked out all the rivets with Brass Scorpion.
To make the floor a bit older, I stapled it with Aged Rust pigment from Forge World and added a little pigment binder afterwards to keep it in place.


Step 3.

For the panels I went for yellow. Starting with Averland Sunset, about 2 coats for a even surface. I used Seraphim Sepia for a recess shade and a highlight of Yriel Yellow.

Step 4.

For the scrolls and pages of the books I started with a base coat of Rakarath Flesh and couple of layers of Pallid Witch Flesh, you can choose between a recess shading or a complete wash with Agrax Earthshade, just be careful with the shade pooling. Afterwards I reapplied Pallid Witch Flesh as I opted for a complete wash, I drybrushed the pages of the books for a easier time. Scar White was used for the highlight of the scrolls.

I also picked Abaddon Black for add some decorations on the scroll and I decided at the last minute to use Mephiston Red to add red text to the scroll, like someone used human blood to write.

Step 5.
For the book covers I applied 2 coats of XV-88, 3 coats of Tau Light Orche and a highlight of Ugnor Flesh.

For the trim and decorations on the books I went for a gold colour. I started with 2 coats of Balthasar Gold, 2 coats of Gehenna's Gold and a careful wash Reikflesh Shade (Gloss), then used Gehenna's Gold again and finally Auric Armour Gold for a little highlight.

Step 6.

Next I painted the flask inside the chest.

2 Flasks where coated with Mephiston Red, 2 coats of Evil Sunz Scarlet, a careful wash of Carroburgh Crimson. I used Evil Sunz Scarlet again to brighten up the flask and applying a little highlight with Wild Rider Red.

2 other flask where painted with Thousand Sons Blue as a base coat, then 2 coats Ahriman Blue was added, a careful wash of Drakenhof Nightshade was applied. Ahriman Blue was reapplied and finally a highlight of Hoeth Blue.

The last two flasks where base coated with Caliban Green and I added 2 coats of Warpstone Glow, followed by a Biel-Tan Green shade. When the shade has dried I reapplied Warpstone Glow and then a highlight of Moot Green.

Step 7.

I painted the sextant gold and the stand of the globe that rests on the books. The globe was painted blue.

I started with Retributor Gold, 2 coats of Liberator Gold, a careful wash of Reikland Fleshshade (Gloss) to tone it down and reapplied Liberator Gold to add some shine to it while being careful around the recesses, finally I applied Auric Armour Gold.

I started with Caledor Sky for the globe, washed it with Drakenhof Nightshade, applied 2 thin coats of Caledor Sky and finally a highlight of Alaitoc Blue.

Step 8.

Here are pictures of the completed model.

I'll admit I might be should have used XV88 for the book covers and Nuln Oil on the Gold trims to make the model look less yellow to make the chest itself stand more out.

Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

How I Painted the Soul Stone.

Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!

Here is a guide how I painted the Soul Stone from the Shattered Dominion Boxed Set.

Step 1.

After drawing the diagram of the Soul Stone on a piece of paper to get some idea on what I want to do, I glued the model to a MDF base, added some mushrooms from Kromlech and based it with fine sand.

After priming it with Corax White, I used Ceremite White to get a even white colour and then applied a generous amount of Mighthaunt Gloom, just remember to add several coats. Afterwards I applied a very light dry brush of Ulthuan Grey

Step 2.
 I painted the chains holding the Soul Stone in place next. Starting with Leadbelcher, then 2 coats of Ironbreaker followed with a careful wash of Nuln Oil so there wont be any dripping on the base itself. You can put a paper towel under the model if you are worried about this. After the Nuln Oil, I applied Ironbreaker again, while being careful of the recesses and then a final highlight with Runefang Steel.

Step 3.

When painting the mushroom I started with Zandri Dust for the stipe, followed with Ushabti Bone, a little wash of Agrax Earthshade to get some shade. I applied 2 thin coats of Ushabti Bone after the wash and then a very selected highligh with Screaming Skull on the raised areas.

I picked 5 different colour for each mushroom to get some variation. I applied each base colour, followed with a lighter layer and finally a highlight with the brightest layer colour.

The maggots where painted with Ceramite White, followed by a wash of Nighthaunt Gloom and then 2 coats of Screaming Skull while being careful of the recesses.

Step 4.

Now on to the Soul Stone itself. I started with Incubi Darkness as a base colour of the stone. I used Kabalite Green to highlight the raised area's of the faces and then a further highlight of Sybarite Green.

For the stone that the chains are secured to, I started with Mechanicus Standard Grey and 2 coats of Dawnstone and finally a careful light drybrush of Administratum Grey. I finally used Agrax Earthshade in the recesses while being careful of the other areas.

Step 5.

I picked some items from the Barbed Bracken and Citadel Skulls boxes.

I wanted the Barbed Bracken to compliment the base itself, so I used Thousand Sons Blue as a base colour, followed with Ahriman Blue and a final highlight of Hoeth Blue. You can apply some Drakenhof Nightshade if you want to add additional shade.

For the skulls I used the go-to method with using Zandri Dust as a base colour, followed with Ushabti Bone, a careful wash to Agrax Earthshade. When the shade has dried, I applied Ushabti Bone on the raised areas and finally applying a highlight of Screaming Skull.

After coating it with a varnish, I glued some yellow grass with PVA glue to make the base a bit more busy.

Step 6.

Here are some pictures of the finished models.

Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.