Greetings and salutations fellow hobbyist!
Here is a guide on how I painted the Realm's Ransom from the Shattered Dominion Objective Set.
Step 1.
First I drew up the base with the space the chest occupies and used a red colour to mark where the lava would be.
Next I applied Liquid Green Stuff with a texture tool and some sculpting tool to cover up the texture of the MDF, the rest of the base was covered using two coats of Astrogranite for a rocky look.
Step 2.
I coated the entire model and base with Chaos Black, followed by a heavy drybrush of Mechanicus Standard Gray, then a light highlight of Dawnstone and finally a lighter drybrush of Administratum Gray. If you find the rock is not gray enough when applying the drybrush just apply a bit more pressure to the brush until you are happy with it.
Step 3.
There is not "right" way to make a lava base, but this is how I chose to do it.
First I applied several thin coats of Mephiston Red, followed by more thin coats of Wazdakka Red while leaving little of the previous colour around the edges of the lava stream. Same thing was done with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Fire Dragon Orange. Any selection of red and orange colours can work for this, I'll recommend do a couple of test bases if you are unsure what colours you want to use for your lava base.
Step 4.
I went for Kantor Blue for the wooden panels of the chest, then a recess shade with Drakenhof Nightshade, if you think you added too much shade or if it went somewhere you do not want it, just tidy up with Kantor Blue.
Step 5.
For the iron straps and chalice I used Leadbealcher followed by Ironbreaker and carefully washed over it with Nuln Oil. When the shade is dry, carefully re-apply Ironbreaker around all the rivets (if you want) and give it a highlight of Runefang Steel. I choose to paint all the rivets with Brass Scorpion to make them stand out, but you can just leave them with the Ironbreaker on.
I painted all the gold coins with Balthasar Gold, followed by a 50/50 mixture of Lahmian Medium and Gehenna's Gold to give it a smoother finish, then I washed over it Reikland Fleshshade Gloss to give a bit more shine, finally the mix of Gehenna's Gold and Lahmian Medium was applied.
You can give it a highlight of Auric Armour Gold if you want.
Step 7.
The small bottle in the gold pile in front of the chest was given a base coat of Caliban Green, then two coats of Warpstone Glow, a sparse wash of Biel-Tan Green, then carefully painted over with Warpstone Glow again and finished with a little highlight of Moot Green.
Step 8.
The large bottle on the left hand side was given a base coat of Averland Sunset, then two coats of Yriel Yellow followed by a wash of Seraphim Sepia, then as with in step 7, Yriel Yellow was carefully applied while leaving the recesses and finally a highlight of Flashgitz Yellow.
There is decorative band running around the bottle, I painted this with Ironbreaker with a very fine brush, you can however skip this part and leave it yellow.
Step 9.
There are two bottle left to paint, one is inside the chest and the other is behind it. Given it reminded me of love potions, so I decided to go for pink.
I started with a base of Screamer Pink, followed with two thin coats of Pink Horror, carefully washed over it with Druchii Violet, then carefully re-applied Pink Horror and finally a highlight of Emperor's Children. I also used a little Dechala Liac edge paint as an extreme highlight.
Do note that you can paint the flasks and potions any way you want.
Step 10.
I took Kantor Blue, Brass Scorpion and Ironbreak to fix some of the paint work just to make sure this will look good.
Step 11.
Here is how the Realm's Ransom looks like.
Remember that experience is the only thing that can not be taught.